I explore the plants around me with writing, photography, and social media.

I am also a creative thinker with a solutions oriented mindset, and I offer additional services depending on the type of project.  

Have a story that needs telling? Let’s get in touch. Send me an email to jeradtbryant@gmail.com

Content is only as good as its source.

Providing real stories sourced from lived experiences is the only way to create original content that engages and inspires. Without the hard work of researching, analyzing, and discovering, writings tend to be lackluster repeats of information that is already available online. My work cuts through misinformation and acts as a shining light for nature lovers.

My Solutions

Clear, concise, and story driven writing is hard to come by. That is why I like to prioritize both the lived experiences of plants and people alike.

Inspired by the natural world, I catalogue the plants growing around me with professional and intimate photographs.

In today’s world, social media reigns supreme as the way to connect with others and spread your message. I specialize in consistent, original, and engaging content.

Nature walks, plant publications, and botany textbooks provide me with the tools I need to verify and ensure my writing is accurate.

Current & Previous Clients

Epic Gardening ©

Armitage Wholesale Nursery

Mean Green Garden ®

Sharing Plants Online

TikTok @meangreengarden

Instagram @meangreengarden

Personal Instagram @jeradtb


I bring the captivating world of plants to life through engaging articles and social media content. Why? Because plants, with their unpredictable, sexual, and adaptable nature, amaze me. I'm on a mission to share this amazement and shed light on the critical state of our plant kingdom amidst climate change. 

Want to connect? Send me an email to: jeradtbryant@gmail.com 

Acer macrophyllum "big leaf maple" flower cluster